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(P−148) 57歳男性に,幼少時から涙丘の茶黒色塊が左眼にあり,2年前に異物感のあるブルーベリー様の赤色隆起が増大して,受診した。隆起の大きさは7×5×5mmで,鼻側が茶黒色,耳側が赤色であった。全摘した腫瘤は,病理学的には本来は上皮下母斑であり,これに乳頭腫が隣接して発生し,両者間に色素性母斑細胞が付属腺の過形成上皮を取り囲む部位があった。涙丘の上皮下母斑と乳頭腫が併発した稀な事例である。
A 57-year-old man presented with a blueberry-red nodule in his left lacrimal caruncle. The nodule had enlarged in the past 2 years, causing a foreign-body sensation. He had had a tiny dark brown tumor in the same area since childhood. The nodule was 7×5×5 mm in size. Its nasal half was dark brown and the temporal half was reddish. The excised tumor proved to be, histopathologically, subepithelial nevus in origin. A papilloma had developed adjacent to it separated by a zone of pigmented nevus cells surrounding the hyperplastic epithelium of the accessory gland. This case illustrates a rare association of papilloma and subepithelial nevus in the lacrimal caruncle.

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