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(P−2-25) 1993年から1998年までの6年間に,公立みつぎ総合病院救急外来を受診した眼科救急患者370例の特徴について検討した。救急患者のうち74%(275例)が外傷性,26%(95例)が非外傷性であった。外傷性疾患のうち45例(16%)に手術処置を要した。外傷性疾患では非外傷性疾患に比較して,他科の医師が眼科医師に診察を要請した頻度が高かった。他科医師のみに診察を受けた例で,眼科的診断が不適切もしくは治療が不十分となっていた例が多くみられ,再診率も低くなっていた。これらの問題を改善するためには,他科医師に対する眼科救急疾患の啓蒙や,可能な限り二次的に眼科医師が診療する体制の整備が必要と考えられた。
We reviewed 370 patients who were seen in the emergency service for eye problems in a general hospital during a 6-year period through 1998. There were 275 traumatic cases (74%) and 95 nontraumatic cases (26%) . Surgical treatment was necessary in 45 of traumatic cases. Traumatic cases were more frequently referred to us after initially seen by physicians than nontraumatic cases. Patients who were initially seen by nonophthalmic physicians were often improperly diagnosed or insufficiently treated. They often tended to less frequently revisit our hospital. The findings show the necessity to educate physicians about managing ophthalmic emergencies and to better organize the secondary care by institutions served by ophthalmologists.

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