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(D−7PM−19) 原発閉塞隅角緑内障(primary angle closure glaucoma:PACG)における角膜内皮障害とその因子について検討した。緑内障発作眼25眼,非発作眼21眼,合計28例46眼についてアルゴンレーザー虹彩切開術(argon laser iridotomy:ALI)を行った6か月後の角膜内皮細胞密度を比較すると,緑内障発作眼では非発作眼に比べ有意に減少していた。年齢,前房深度,ALIのレーザー照射量と角膜内皮細胞密度との関係をみると,緑内障発作眼も非発作眼もいずれも相関はみられなかった。以上から,PACGの角膜内皮障害は緑内障発作自体による影響が大きいと考えられた。
We evaluated the corneal endothelial cell density in primary angle closure glaucoma in 46 eyes of 28 patients. History of acute attacks of glaucoma was present in 25 eyes and absent in 21 eyes. All the eyes had been treated by argon laser iridotomy more than 6 months before. The endothelial cell population averaged 2,153 ± 767/mm3 in eyes with attacks and 2,821±409 mm3in eyes without. The difference was significant (p<0.006) . The endothelial cell population was independent on the age, depth of anterior chamber or power output of laser iridotomy both in eyes with acute attacks and in those without. The findings show that the observed decrease in corneal endothelial cell population may be the consequence of acute glaucoma attack or attacks.

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