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(G-7PM-14) 4歳男児を両眼の小眼球症と診断した。母は35歳で,正常分娩であり,生下時の体重は2,450gであった。右胸心があった。前眼部に異常はなく,眼底に偽視神経炎と網膜血管の蛇行があった。両眼とも+22Dの強度遠視で,初診時の視力は0.01であった。まず眼鏡を装用させ,1年後からソフトコンタクトレンズを併用した。2年後の矯正視力は左右とも0.4であった。15歳の現在,屈折値に変化はなく,矯正視力は左右とも0.6であり,眼軸長は右14.75mm,左14.59mmである。強膜肥厚,浅前房,狭隅角,uveal effusionはない。
We diagnosed a 4-year-old male child with dextrocardia as bilateral nanophthalmos. He was born when his mother was aged 35 years. His birthweight was 2,450g. The anterior segment was normal in both eyes. Both eyes showed pseudoneuritis and tortuous retinal vessels. Both eyes had refraction of +22 diopters. The visual acuity was 0.01 in either eye. He was initially treated by spectacles. Soft contact lens was added one year later. The corrected visual acuity was 0.4 in either eye at the age of 6 years. He is now 15 years old. The state of refraction has remained almost stationary. The corrected visual acuity is now 0.6 each. The axial length is 14.75 mm right and 14.59 mm left. There has been no scleral thickening, shallow anterior chamber, narrow chamber angle, or uveal effusion so far.

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