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(P−1-57) アクリル眼内レンズが裏表逆の嚢内固定になつた3症例の経過を検討した。糖尿病黄斑変性を有する1例を除いて視力は改善した。術後屈折度は、術後1週で予想値よりも平均1.54D近視化していたが,2〜4か月で平均1.20Dと近視化は減少傾向を示し、以後著変なかった。前房深度は、術後13〜18か月でアクリルソフトレンズを裏表正しく嚢内固定した僚眼に比して平均14%低い値を示した。角膜内皮細胞密度の減少率は2%以下の低い値であった。1例で部分的な瞳孔捕獲を認めたが,いずれの症例でも,前房出血,遷延性虹彩炎,フィブリン反応,眼圧上昇,角膜浮腫,黄斑浮腫などの合併症,視力に影響を与える後発主内障の発生は認めなかった。
We reviewed the clinical course of inadvertently reversely implanted acrylic intraocular lens (IOL) in the capsular bag in 3 eyes. The visual acuity improved in 2 eyes and remained unchanged in one eye with diabetic maculopathy. There was a myopic shift by an average of 1.54 diopter than the predicted value at 1 week after surgery. It decreased to 1.2 diopter at 2 to 4 months after surgery to remain stationary thereafter. The anterior chamber depth in the 3 eyes at 13 to 18 months was shallower by 14% than that in the fellow eyes which received normally implanted IOLs. The 3 eyes showed postoperative decrease in endothelial cell density by less than 2 %. Partial pupillary capture developed in 1 eye. The 3 eyes showed no other complications which might cause visual impairment including hyphema, persistent iritis, fibrin reaction, elevated intraocular pressure, corneal edema, macular edema or aftercataract.

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