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慢性閉塞隅角緑内障7眼に対して,白内障手術を併用した隅角癒着解離術を行い,術後にレーザー隅角形成術を行った。白内障手術を併用した隅角癒着解離術後では,超音波生体顕微鏡(ultrasoundbiomicroscope:UBM)による生体計測で,angle opening distance250μm (AOD 250)は術前と比べて変化がなく,angle Opening distance 500μm (AOD 500)は有意に増加していた。白内障手術を併用した隅角癒着解離術では隅角の開大が得られるが,周辺部は狭隅角になる傾向があった。さらにレーザー隅角形成術を行ったのちには,AOD 250は有意に増大し,AOD 500には変化がなかった。レーザー隅角形成術は周辺部の隅角の形態改善に有効であり,隅角癒着解離術後の再癒着を防止すると考えられた。
We treated 7 eyes of chronic angle closure glaucoma by goniosynechialysis combined with cataract surgery followed later by laser gonioplasty.An ultrasound biomicroscope (UBM) was used to evaluate the angle opening distance (AOD). After goniosynechialysis with cataract surgery, AOD 250 gm (AOD 250) was the same as before surgery and AOD 500 showed significant increases. It appeared that goniosynechialysis with cataract surgery induced widening of the chamber angle but peripheral chamber angle remained narrow. Following consequent laser gonioplasty, AOD 250 increased significantly and AOD 500 remained unchanged. The findings show that laser gonioplasty is effective in widening the peripheral chamber angle and may prevent reformation of goniosynechia.

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