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(P3-2-5) 66歳の女性が右眼の結膜腫瘍で受診した。30年前から右上眼瞼の色素沈着を自覚していた。右の上下眼瞼結膜に色素沈着を伴う分葉状の腫瘤があった。胸部X線とCTで肺転移と思われる充実性腫瘤が発見された。瞼結膜の腫瘤の生検で悪性黒色腫と診断された。眼窩内容除去術で摘出された腫瘍はそのほとんどが類上皮型であり,その大きさは20×14×17mmであった。化学療法を術後に行ったが,10か月後に肝転移のため死亡した。
A 66-year-old female was referred to us for conjunctival tumor in her right eye. She had noticed pigmented patches in the right eyelid since 30 years before. We detected pigmented tumors with lobular pattern in the upper and lower palpebral conjunctiva in the affected eye. X-ray and computed tomography showed mass lesions in the lungs sug-gestive of malignancy. Biopsy of the palpebral tumor led to the diagnosis of malignant melanoma. Exenteration of the orbit showed the tumor to be 20 x 14 x 17mm in size and to mainly consist of epitheloid cells. She then received intense chemotherapy but died of liver metastasis 10 months later.

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