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網膜静脈閉塞症に合併した嚢胞様黄斑浮腫11眼に対して,人工的後部硝子体剥離の作製を目的とした硝子体手術を行った。視力改善は5眼,不変6眼,悪化なしで,術後視力は術前に比べ有意に改善した(paired t-test,p<0.01)。検眼鏡あるいは螢光眼底造影で評価した黄斑浮腫は減少7眼,不変4眼で増力口はなかった。画像解析ソフトNIH lmageを用いて嚢胞腔面積を比較した7眼では,平均19.3%の減少がみられ,術後の嚢胞腔面積は術前に比べ有意に減少していた(Wilcoxon's signed ranktest,p<0.05)。硝子体手術は,網膜静脈閉塞症に合併する嚢胞様黄斑浮腫に対して,有効な治療法となりうる。
We performed vitreous surgery on 11 eyes with cystoid macular edema (CME) secondary to retinal vein occlusion. The surgery was intended to create posterior vitreous detachment. All the eyes also underwent removal of the lens with insertion of intraocular lens. The visual acuity improved in 5 eyes and remained unchanged in the other 6 eyes. The improvement was significant (paired t-text, p<0.01). The CME decreased in 7 eyes and remained unchanged in the other 4 eyes. When the area of CME was quantitated in 7 eyes using an imageanalyzer (NTH Image) , the area decreased by an average of 19.3%. The decrease was significant (Wilcoxon's signed rank test, p<0.05). The finding shows the efficacy of vitreous surgery for CME secondary to retinal vein occlusion.

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