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(17P-3-9) 弥栄病院と富江病院のそれぞれの眼科外来を,1996年8月〜10月に受診した患者の臨床像を比較した。外来患者の年齢分布は,富江では70歳にピークがあったが,弥栄では1歳〜20歳までと70歳代の2峰性のピークを示した。疾患については弥栄は冨江に比べ角膜異物,先天性鼻涙管閉塞,霰粒腫,麦粒腫,眼球打撲が有意に多く,翼状片,糖尿病網膜症,結膜炎が有意に少なかった(χ2検定<O.01)。また網膜色素変性が富江で4人(人口約7千人),弥栄で3人(人口約6千人)と,ともに高率に認められた。今回この比較研究から僻地眼科受診患者にも疾患傾向があり,その地域の歴史,産業,風土,病院の性格などにより特徴付けられていることがわかった。
We reviewed the profile of outpatients seen in two hospitals in an offshore islant (A) and in the peninsula (B) during 3 months through October 1996. The age distribution of patients showed a peak at 70 years in hospital A. It showed two peaks at below 20 years and at 70 years in hospital B. Patients seen in hospital B showed higher frequencies of corneal foreign body, congenital nasolacrimal stenosis, chalazion, hordeolum and ocular contusion and lesser frequencies of pterygium, diabetic retinopathy and conjunctivitis than hospital A. The differences were significant (p < 0.01) . There were 4 patients of retinitis pigmentosa in hospital A and 3 in hospital B. The former serves a population of 7,000 and the latter 6,000. The findings show peculiar characteristics of eye patients in remote hospitals which reflect the history, industry, natural environment and the specificity of hospitals.

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