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(17-P3-3) 両眼白色瞳孔を呈した4か月男児の両眼に浅前房,虹彩後癒着,白内障,水晶体後方の白色集塊物がみられた。超音波検査で両眼硝子体腔内に腫瘍様陰影がみられ,網膜芽細胞腫が疑われたが,MRIで水晶体から連なる索状物が描出され,後に腫瘍様陰影も縮小したため,両眼性第一次硝子体過形成遺残と診断した。MRIで視交叉,視索は描出されず,軽度難聴が示唆されたため,Norrie病の散発例の可能性も考え,Norrie病責任遺伝子の異常の検索を試みたが,ほとんどの異常が報告されている部位は正常であった。本症例は遺伝歴がないため,Norrie病との診断には遺伝子異常の検出が必要であり,現在さらに検索中である。
A 4-month-old male infant presented with bilateral leukocoria. Both eye showed absent anterior chamber, posterior synechia, cataract and retrolental white mass. The family history was negative. Ultrasonography showed a mass in the vitreous simulating bilateral retinoblastoma. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed bilateral persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous. MRI also showed the absence of optic chiasma and the optic tract. The infant showed low audio-brain responses, suggesting hearing impairment. We performed DNA analysis by PCR and direct sequence technique to rule out sporadic Norrie's disease. There were no point mutations in the known range of the Norrie's disease gene. Further studies are under way to detect mutations in other ranges of the gene.

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