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(18-G409-18) 1985年6月から1997年4月までに埼玉医科大学総合医療センターにおいて施行した,吹き抜け骨折整復術300例の予後を検討した。予後は複視が消失した治癒217例(73%),複視の一部が消失した改善73例(24%),術前と変わらなかった不変10例(3%)であった。術前下転障害を伴った骨折は132例で,治癒は66例(50%)と予後不良であった。受傷後1か月以内に整復術を行った群は218例で,178例(82%)に治癒を得たが,1か月〜2か月の群では57例中36例(63%),2か月以上経過した群では25例中3例(12%)に治癒を得られたのみで,整復術は受傷後早期のものほど予後良好であった。
We reviewed the outcome of surgery for blowout fracture of the orbit in consecutive 300 cases during the foregoing 13 years.The series comprised 243 males and 57 females. Following surgery, diplopia disappeared in 217 cases (73%), partially improved in 73 (24%) and persisted in 10 (3%). Out of 132 cases with restricted infraversion, cure was obtained in only 66 cases (50%). The rate of cure was 82% when surgery was performed within one month of the trauma (178 out of 218 cases). It was 63% when operated one to 2 months after trauma (36 out of 57 cases). It was 12% when operated later than 2 month (3 out of 25 cases) . Surgery was thus more effective when surgery was performed during the early stage of blowout fracture.

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