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重度妊娠中毒症と右同名半盲が,35歳の妊娠32週の初産婦に発症した。妊娠34週に帝王切開で胎児を娩出し妊娠中毒症が治癒した後にも,閃輝性暗点を伴う片頭痛発作を繰り返し,右同名半盲が残った。再三にわたるCTとMRI検査では明らかな梗塞および出血巣などの異常はなかった。N-isopropyl—p—(123I) iodoamphetamine (IMP)静注によるシングルフォトン断層法(SPECT)で左後頭葉領域の脳血流量の低下が発見された。
Severe toxemia and right homonymous hemianopsia developed in a 35-year-old woman at 32 weeks of pregnancy. The toxemia resolved after caesarean delivery at 34 weeks. The hemianopsia persisted associated with repeated attacks of hemicrania with scintillating scotoma. Repeated examinations by computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging failed to detect focal cerebral lesions. Single-photon emission tomography (SPECT) using N-isopropyl-p-(123I)-iodoamphetamine (IMP) showed reduced blood flow in the left occipital cortex.

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