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増殖性硝子体網膜症の分類(1991年)のgrade Aの所見である,haze, clumps, clustersが,網膜裂孔の形および大きさとどのように関係するか検討した。1992年3月から1年間に手術を行った裂孔原性網膜剥離271眼を対象とした。網膜裂孔をtear, hole,裂孔不明に分けた。hazeは裂孔不明で多かった。clumpはtearで多く,tearのうち3乳頭径以上に多かった。clusterはtearで多かった。clump,clusterの発生は網膜裂孔の形態と関係することがわかった。
We reviewed 271 eyes of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment during the foregoing 12 months. The cases were evaluated as to the presence of vitreous haze, vitreous pigment clumps and pigment clusters on the inferior retina which are signs of grade A proliferative vitreoretinopathy. The retinal breaks were divided into retinal tear, retinal hole and undetectable. Vitreous haze was more frequent in eyes with undetectable retinal break (p<O.05). Pigment clumps were more frequent in eyes with retinal tears (p<0.05) and particularly in retinal tears larger than 3 disc diameters (p<0.05). Pigment clusters were more frequent in eyes with retinal tears (p<O.05). There was no difference in vitreous haze between retinal holes and tears. Pigment clumps and clusters were thus positively correlated with the type of retinal breaks.

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