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In treating proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR), the posterior vitreous is easily completely removed but the anterior vitreous is not. We found this incomplete removal better compensated for by a 360° silicone implant than by an exoplant, because the implant provides a high broad buckle on the anterior globe, while the exoplant provides only a low narrow buckle on the equator.
Between 1981 and 1986 we treated 89 eyes with PVR by vitrectomy combined with the implant. The 89 eyes included 20 PVR-C and 69 PVR-D. There were 51 males and 34 females, 3 to 83 years old, averaging 47.6 years. Preoperative vision ran-ged from 0.1 to LP, with 82% below CF. 48 eyes had no previous retinal or vitreous surgery, 31 had it once, and 10 had it twice or more. 51 were phakic and 38 aphakic. Silicone tire was undermined in the sclera along the whole circumference prior to vitrectomy. When the fundus was obscured by lens or vitreous opacity, vitrectomy was performedprior to the undermining. Subretinal fluid was drained externally, and the vitreous was replaced with saline, air, or gas. Surgery on the 89 eyes was performed 111 times. Ancillary surgical procedures were applied as follows : silicone oil 19 eyes, len-sectomy 9, sponge exoplant 4, subretinal band sev-erance 2, retinotomy 2, and retinal tag 1. Intraoper-ative complications were 4 iatrogenic retinal breaks, 1 vitreous hemorrhage, and 1 subretinal silicone oil.
The observation period was 6 months to 5.5 years. Anatomical reattachment rate of the retina was 83.2%. Postoperative vision ranged from 0.3 to no LP. 60.7% improved, 23.6% were unchanged, and 15.7% worsened. 44% were below CF. Postoper-ative complications were 9 glaucomas, 4 hemor-rhages, 3 cataracts, 2 inflammations, 1 corneal opacity, and 1 rubeosis iridis. We attribute our comparatively high reattachment rate of 83.2% to the permanent, high broad, 360ー implant in the anterior globe. The implant also minimizes unnec-essary lensectomy, retinotomy, and silicone oil use.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 42(3) : 223-226, 1988

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