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HLA A2,24 B35 Bw54 Cw1,3 DR2,4の抗原保有者は網膜色素上皮障害を生じやすく,免疫抑制剤,副腎皮質ステロイドの大量投与およびウイルス易感染性に加え,免疫遺伝学的影響も大きいと推論した。
We reviewed macular lesions in 90 eyes of 45 patients who underwent renal transplantation. Retinal lesions were present in 24 eyes of 18 patients, 27%. Maculopathy was seen in 14 eyes of 24 patients and included: central serous chorio-epitheliopathy, multifocal posterior retinal pigment epitheliopathy detachment of retinal pigment epithelium and macular degeneration. Maculopathydeveloped at a higher frequency when the trans-planted kidney was obtained from cadaver than from living donor, at 37% and 19% respectively. Following factors were identified as contributing to maculopathy: use of immunosuppresants, massive corticosteroid, liability to viral infection and im-munogenetic incompatibility to transplanted kid-ney in addition to the presence of HLA A2, A24, B 35, Bw54, Cw1, Cw3, DR2 or DR4.
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