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片眼の眼窩深部痛を伴う全外眼筋麻痺,眼球突出,ホルネル症候群で初発し,骨髄検査によって悪性組織球症と診断された症例を経験した。早期に化学療法を開始し,全身状態と眼症状は著明に改善した。CT, MRI, CAGでは異常を認めなかったが,臨床所見および経過より海綿静脈洞と眼窩への悪性組織球症の浸潤が考えられた。悪性組織球症の同部への浸潤は本症例が初めてである。また画像診断上異常が認められない場合でも,一応悪性腫瘍の浸潤の可能性を疑って血液像を含む全身的検索に注意を払う必要があることを強調したい。
A 78-year-old male presented with painful oph-thalmoplegia, proptosis and Horner's syndrome in his left eye. The clinical features were suggestive of lesion located in the cavernous sinus and the orbit.Contrast-enhanced computed tomography, mag-netic resonance imaging and carotid angiogram were negative. Progressive pancytopenia developed months later. Repeated bone marrow biopsy result-ed in the diagnosis of malignant histiocytosis. Sys-temic chemotherapy induced prompt resolution of the ocular involvements. While malignant histiocy-tosis is a rare occurrence, it should be suspected as a possibility in cavernous sinus or superior orbital fissure syndrome.

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