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発症後3週間以上経過した網膜静脈閉塞症5例に組織プラスミノーゲンアクチベーター(tissue-type plasminogen activator:t-PA)を3日間で計2,000万国際単位投与した。投与終了直後の時点で視力改善が得られたのは3例で,投与前の螢光眼底造影で中心窩周囲毛細血管網の閉塞を認めた2例は視力不変であった。また,投与1か月後に2段階以上の視力改善を維持していたのは5例中1例のみであった。よって,発症後3週間以上経過した網膜静脈閉塞症に対するt-PAの有効性は低く,中心窩周囲毛細血管網の閉塞の有無がt-PAの効果に影響すると考えられた。
We treated two eyes with central retinal vein occlusion and 3 eyes with branch vein occlusion with systemic tissue-type plasminogen activator. The retinal vein occlusion had been present for 3 weeks or more at the start of treatment. Tissue -type plasminogen activator was administered intravenously at the dosis of 2×107 IU for 3 consec-utive days. Visual acuity improved at the end of treatment in 3 eyes. It remained unchanged in 2 eyes which showed capillary nonperfusion in the macula on fluorescein angiogram. One month later, only one eye showed substantial visual improve-ment. The findings suggest that the present method of treatment is of limited value for retinal vein occlusions of more than 3 weeks' duration, and that the efficacy is affeted by the existence.

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