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乳癌に対する維持化学療法中に発症した両眼性サイトメガロウイルス網膜炎の症例を経験した。抗癌剤の投与中止,体重kg 1日当たり8mgのganciclovir投与による初期治療により網膜炎の改善を認めた。Ganciclovir投与中止3週間後に再発し,体重kg 1日当たり10 mgの再投与により緩解を得た。その後,ganciclovir 5 mg/kg,週3回の投与で外来管理を行っているが,初期療法開始後8か月経過した現在も網膜炎の再燃はみられない。副作用としては肝機能の悪化が認められた。
A 63-year-old woman had undergone radical mastectomy for breast cancer 26 months before. She had been under sustained systemic therapy with cyclophosphamide. Blurring of vision led to detection of acute iritis, vitreous opacity and retinal infiltrates in both eyes. We diagnosed the case as cytomegalovirus retinitis based on positiveisolation of the organism from the urine. We start-ed treatment by discontinuation of cyclophos-phamide and by systemic ganciclovir 8 mg/kg/day for 3 weeks. The fundus lesion promptly improved but recurred 3 weeks after withdrawal of ganci-clovir. Reinstitution of ganciclovir suppressed fur-ther recurrences for 8 months. Impaired liver func-tions were the main adverse effect of the present mode of therapy.

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