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As a part long-term study on the effect ofphotocoagulation (PHC) on retinopathy ofprematurity (ROP), we evaluated 99 eyes, 51patients, regarding the refractive components ofthe eyes in cicatricial phase of ROP. The agesranged from 11 to 21 years, average 14.9 years. Theretinopathy was graded according to the Japaneseclassification. Grade 1 PHC : artificial PHC scaronly. Mild grade 2 PHC : dragged disc, normalmacula with peripheral PHC scar. Moderate tosevere grade 2 PHC : dragged disc, distortion orectopia of macula with peripheral PHC scar.Patients with grade 3 PHC showing retinal detach-ment or more advanced cicatrization were exclud-ed from the study.
Eyes with moderate or severe grade 2 PHCshowed shallower anterior chamber, greater lensthickness, greater corneal refractive power andgreater ratio of lens thickness to the axial lengththan eyes with grade 1 PHC or mild grade 2 PHC.
In eyes with grade 1 PHC and mild grade 2 PHC, prior full-circumferential PHC resulted in shal-lower anterior chamber, greater lens thickness,greater corneal refractive power and greater ratioof lens thickness to the axial length than segmentalPHC.
Eyes with grade 2 PHC and those with full-cir-cumferential PHC showed a higher incidence and agreater degree of refractive errors.
Above findings seemed to suggest that eyes withsevere progressive “plus” disease should be treatedby photocoagulation or cryotherapy to preventdevelopment of ROP into cicatricial stage of grade2 PHC.

Copyright © 1992, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.