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ドライアイを認めたシェーグレン症候群(SS)患者の唾液腺生検11症例について,組織よりDNAを抽出し,PCR (polymerase chainreaction)法を用いてEpstein-Barr virus (EBV)遺伝子の増幅を行い,オートラジオグラフ上でEBV遺伝子のコピー数を定量的に検出した。その結果,健常者5例と比較してEBV遺伝子のコピー数に有意差を認め,これらSSにおいてEBVの関与が示唆された。
We performed biopsy of the minor salivary gland in 11 cases of Sjögren syndrome with dry eye and in 5 healthy persons as control. We extracted the DNA from the biopsied specimen and amplified theDNA for Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) by polymerase chain reaction. The viral DND were then quantitat-ed by autoradiography. We found increased leecels of in SS cases when compared with the control. These findings suggested that EBV, which as a normal site of latency in a small number of salivary gland and lacrimal epithelial cells, may be reactivated in Sjögren syndrome.

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