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手術に際してチン小帯損傷の拡大,過剰な硝子体脱出を防止するため,前嚢切開は,ディスポーザブル針によるcan-opener capsulotomyを行い,核娩出はcryo-tipを用いて行った。約6か月後に後房レンズの二次移植を行い,その後1年5か月経った時点で,良好な矯正視力と両眼視機能が保たれている。
A 43-year-old male was hit by a flying small ball in his right eye 37 years before. Right visual acuity started to deteriorate since 15 years before. His visual acuity was now reduced to 20/40 with correc-tion. The crystalline lens was subluxated infer-onasally. The nucleus was cataractous. We perfor-med extracapsular cataract extraction followed byimplantation of posterior chamber intraocular lens 6 months later. He regained visual acuity of 15/20 and fair binocular function. The present case illus-trates that traumatized zonules do not mean contraindication to posterior chamber lens im-plantation.

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