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Relationship between motor vehicle collisions and horizontal spread of search in patients with visual field impairment in a driving assessment clinic Yuka Fukano 1 , Shiho Kunimatsu-Sanuki 1 , Takuya Hiraga 1 , Emina Iwasaka 1 , Yuri Kuroda 1 , Junpei Kuwana 2 , Junko Kunugi 2 , Makoto Itoh 2 , Atsushi Mizota 1 , Kenji Inoue 3 1Nishikasai Inouye Eye Hospital 2Institute of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba 3Inouye Eye Hospital pp.1220-1226
Published Date 2024/10/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410215295
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Abstract Purpose:To assess factors influencing the horizontal spread of search during driving using a driving simulator(DS).

Methods:One hundred and sixty-five patients(mean age 60.9±14.9 years)from our driving assessment clinic underwent DS(Honda Motor Co, Tokyo)testing with eye tracking(Tobii Pro X3-120, Tobii Pro Nano). All patients were examined with the Humphrey Field Analyzer. Cognitive function was assessed using the Mini Mental State Examination. The patients' best point-by-point monocular sensitivity was considered. Horizontal and vertical spread of search was calculated based on the standard deviations of the x- and y- coordinates of eye movement during a five-minute session of running. One hundred and forty-six subjects(mean age 60.6±14.2 years)for whom the reliability of eye tracking was greater than 50% were categorized into the largest quartile(37 cases)and smallest quartile(37 cases)of horizontal spread of search for comparative analysis.

Results:The subjects in the largest quartile of horizontal spread of search had significantly less collisions in DS(P<0.0001)compared to those in the smallest quartile(0.8±1.0 vs. 3.0±2.6). The smallest quartile group was also older(P<0.0001)and, predominantly female(P=0.005), and had lower cognitive function(P=0.009)and worse visual acuity in the worse eye(P=0.019). Despite no difference in visual field impairment, the largest quartile group demonstrated a higher prevalence of attention-paying behaviors while driving, such as “keeping the gaze moving rather than fixating on a single point” and “anticipating danger.”

Conclusions:In drivers with visual field impairment, eye movements while driving may be associated with motor vehicle collision. Increased eye movement associated with anticipating danger during driving is crucial when teaching safe driving.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


