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要約 目的:視野障害患者にアイトラッカー搭載ドライビングシミュレータ(DS)を施行し,DS事故に関連する因子について検討した。
対象と方法:運転外来を受診した121名(平均年齢63.0±13.3歳)を対象に,運転調査(1週間あたりの運転時間,過去5年間の事故歴の有無),視力検査,中心24-2 SITA standardプログラムを用いたハンフリー視野検査(HFA24-2),両眼開放エスターマンテスト,認知機能検査(MMSE),DSを施行した。HFA24-2より両眼重ね合わせ視野(IVF)を作成し,IVF上下半視野の平均網膜感度を求めた。DS時の視線の動きは,据え置き型眼球運動計測装置Tobii Pro X3-120,Tobii Pro nano(Tobii Technology社)にて測定し,5分間の全走行中の指標の水平x/垂直y座標の標準偏差(視線水平/垂直SD)から「視線のばらつき」を求めた。DSの15場面での事故件数と,視力・視野・MMSE・視線のばらつきとの相関を調べた。
Abstract Purpose:To assess motor vehicle collision(MVC)risk in drivers with visual field impairment using a driving simulator(DS).
Methods:One hundred and twenty-one patients(mean age 63.0±13.3 years)at our driving assessment clinic underwent DS(Honda Motor Co., Tokyo)testing with eye tracking(Tobii Pro X3-120, Tobii Pro nano). All patients were examined with the Humphrey Field Analyzer 24-2 SITA-Standard program(HFA 24-2). Cognitive impairment was assessed using the mini mental state examination(MMSE). The binocular integrated visual field(IVF)was calculated by merging the two results from the monocular HFA 24-2 test. The patients' best point-by-point monocular sensitivity was considered. Horizontal and vertical spread of search was calculated based on the standard deviations of the x and y coordinates of the eye movement during a 5-min session of running.
Results:The average number of collisions per person was 1.8±1.9. The average number of collisions was associated with age(r=0.52, p<0.0001), MMSE score(r=−0.22, p=0.025), better-eye mean deviation(r=−0.28, p=0.0024), worse-eye mean deviation(r=−0.28, p=0.021), EVFT score(r=−0.29, p=0.0015), superior IVF(r=−0.29, p=0.0012), and inferior IVF(r=−0.33, p=0.0003). In addition, positive correlations were observed between the average number of collisions and horizontal spread of search(r=−0.43, p<0.0001).
Conclusions:Our results indicate that an increased age, cognitive impairment, and visual field impairment affect risk of MVC risk. Moreover, drivers with visual field impairment should develop a broader horizontal spread of visual search to avoid MVC.

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