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要約 目的:先天性後頭葉障害による同名半盲は,視野欠損の自覚がないため,成人して偶然に発見されることが多い稀な疾患である。今回,先天性後頭葉障害による右同名半盲に外斜視を伴い,アイトラッカー搭載ドライビングシミュレータ(DS)にて特徴的な視線の動きを示した1例を経験したので報告する。
Abstract Purpose:Congenital homonymous hemianopia is a rare disorder that is often overlooked in childhood and discovered incidentally in adulthood due to lack of subjective symptoms of visual field defects.
Case:A 51-year-old man was eye strain, and congenital homonymous hemianopia in the right eye was incidentally diagnosed. Corrected visual acuities were 20/20 in both eyes. Visual field examination demonstrated homonymous hemianopia with macular sparing. Optical coherence tomography of the macular ganglion cell complex(GCC)showed a hemianopic pattern of thinning with nasal thinning in the right eye and temporal thinning in the left eye. The ocular position was exotropia and hypotropia. His eye movements were restricted in the left eye, with inadequate convergence, and lack of retinal correspondence. His right eye was the dominant eye and fixation was possible in either eye. The patient's driving ability was assessed using a driving simulator. In the first simulation, he had motor vehicle collisions in 3 out of 15 scenarios. DS revealed an overall deviation of gaze from the center to the right(hemianopia side), and he could not handle subjects coming from the left. We instructed the patient to be careful to look not only at the half-blind side but also at the non-blind side when driving.
Conclusions:It may be helpful to avoid motor vehicle collisions by analyzing specific eye movements during driving using a driving simulator.

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