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Long-term trends in the gender gap of authors in Rinsho Ganka(Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology)and Nippon Ganka Gakkai Zasshi(Journal of Japanese Ophthalmological Society) Keiichi Tanzawa 1 , Norio Ohba 1 1Division of Orthoptics, Heisei-iryou College of Health Sciences pp.1201-1211
Published Date 2024/10/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410215292
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Abstract Purpose:To elucidate trends of the gender gap in authorship in Rinsho Ganka(Ringan)and Nippon Gngagakkai Zashi(Nichigan)during a 60-year period from 1961 to 2020.

Materials and methods:Relevant bibliometric information was obtained from the Japanese medical literature database “Ichu-shi Web”. The genders of the first and last authors of each article were defined by their first name according to the traditional gender-specific naming in Japanese people. The gender imbalance indicator was used by calculating the percentage of women as first and last authors.

Results:Overall for a 60-year period, the percentage of the female first authors were 26.4% in Ringn and 17.1% in Nichigan, respectively, and that of the female last authors were 12.7% in Ringan and 12.6% in Nichigan, respectively, with a significant increasing trend in the proportion of female first author and a significant decreasing trend in the proportion of female last authors. In the most recent decade(2011-2020), the percentage of female first authors in Ringan and Nichigan has increased to 39.3% and 31.7%, respectively, while on the other hand, the low percentage of female last authors has remained unchanged at 10.3%(Ringan)and 12.1%(Nichigan)in the two journals.

Conclusions:Women were significantly underrepresented as the first and last authors of original articles be less in Ringan over a 60-year period 1961-2020. However, the gender imbalance tended to disappear for the first author in recent decades.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


