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Postoperative outcome of double-headed pterygium Yosuke Arai 1 , Daisuke Todokoro 1 , Kensuke Mimura 1 , Hideo Akiyama 1 1Department of Ophthalmology, Gunma University School of Medicine pp.949-954
Published Date 2024/8/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410215244
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Abstract Purpose:Pterygium often occurs on the nasal side, but rarely occurs on both sides, which is called double-headed pterygium. Although double-headed pterygium is often advanced and prone to recurrence, there are few reports on its surgical outcomes. Here we retrospectively investigated the surgical outcomes of pterygium excision.

Subjects and methods:Seven patients(7 eyes)who underwent pterygium the excision of primary double-headed pterygium at Gunma University Hospital between January 2016 and April 2021 and completed more than 6 months of follow-up were enrolled. The patients were 14 to 77 years of age(mean' 59.3 years). The surgical methods included a combination of rotated conjunctival autograft transplantation and free conjunctival autograft transplantation(1 case), bilateral free conjunctival autograft transplantation(1 case), and bilateral free conjunctival autograft transplantation along with intraoperative mitomycin C(MMC)application and amniotic membrane transplantation(5 cases). The rate of pterygium recurrence' defined as the invasion of proliferative tissue with blood vessels beyond the limbus, was investigated.

Results:A total of 2 patients(29%)experienced recurrence:1 with a combination of rotated conjunctival autograft transplantation and free conjunctival autograft transplantation, and 1 with bilateral free conjunctival autograft transplantation. The recurrence times were 2 and 5 months after surgery. All cases of recurrences were mild, and none required reoperation. No recurrence occurred in the 5 cases treated with bilateral free conjunctival flap transplantation combined with MMC and amniotic membrane transplantation.

Conclusion:Double-headed pterygium is prone to recurrence. To suppress its recurrence, the use of free conjunctival flap transplantation in combination with MMC application and amniotic membrane transplantation is advised.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


