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要約 目的:Purpureocillium lilacinumは土壌や大気中などに存在する腐生真菌であり,角膜炎の起因としてはきわめて稀である。今回,P. lilacinumを起因とする真菌性角膜炎で,ボリコナゾール点眼単独治療では抵抗性であったがピマリシン点眼併用が著効した1例を報告する。
所見:初診時,右眼角膜中央部に円形混濁および角膜後面沈着物を認めた。細菌性角膜炎を疑い角膜擦過培養提出後,レボフロキサシン点眼,ジベカシン硫酸塩点眼で治療を開始。しかし,X+6日には前房蓄膿が出現し,X+10日に真菌感染の可能性も考えボリコナゾール点眼を開始した。X+13日には前房蓄膿が増悪したため,X+17日にホスフルコナゾール点滴を追加したが,角膜炎や前房蓄膿の改善は認められず,さらにX+25日にはピマリシン点眼を追加した。ピマリシン点眼追加後,前房蓄膿は著明に改善し,角膜炎も消炎傾向となった。X+27日には角膜擦過培養からP. lilacinumが同定された。その後も炎症の改善を認め,X+31日に前房蓄膿は消失しX+37日に退院となった。その後,現在まで角膜炎の悪化は認めていない。
結論:P. lilacinumを原因とする真菌性角膜炎を経験した。ボリコナゾール点眼単剤では治療抵抗性であったが,ピマリシン点眼を併用したのち著明に症状改善を認めた。
Abstract Purpose:Purpureocillium lilacinum(P. lilacinum)is a species of filamentous fungus found in soil and air and is a rare cause of keratitis. We report a case of fungal keratitis caused by P. lilacinum that was resistant to treatment with voriconazole eye drops alone, but responded well to a combination therapy of pimaricin and voriconazole eye drops.
Case:A 72-year-old man who mowed the grass on day X−2 visited a doctor for right eye pain and vision impairment from day X−1. The doctor diagnosed it as bacterial keratitis and referred him to our department on the same day.
Findings:At the initial visit, a circular opacity and keratic precipitate were observed in the central area of the right cornea. After a culture of corneal scraping was submitted, treatment was started with levofloxacin and dibekacin eye drops. On day X+6, hypopyon was observed in the right eye. Considering the possibility of fungal infection, voriconazole eye drop was prescribed additionally. Despite the addition of systemic fosfluconazole treatment on day X+13, keratic inflammation worsened. However, after the addition of pimaricin eye drop on day X+25, hypopyon reduced and keratic inflammation improved markedly. The inflammation continued to improve, and on day X+31, the hypopyon disappeared;the patient was discharged from the hospital on day X+37. Thereafter, there has been no worsening of keratitis till date. P. lilacinum was identified from the corneal scraping culture.
Conclusion:We experienced a case of fungal keratitis caused by P. lilacinum which was resistant to treatment with voriconazole eye drops alone but responded well to a combination therapy of pimaricin and voriconazole eye drops.
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