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要約 目的:術中光干渉断層計(OCT)併用で傍中心部角膜穿孔に層状角膜移植術を施行した1例を経験したので報告する。
Abstract Purpose:To report our findings in a case who underwent anterior lamellar keratoplasty to treat a paracentral corneal perforation, using intraoperative optical coherence tomography.
Case:A woman in her 70s, who developed rheumatoid arthritis when she was in her 40s, visited our department because of dry eye and episcleritis in February 20XX. Her chief complaint was pain and a rapid reduction of vision that started 1 week earlier.
Findings:Our examination revealed best-corrected visual acuity of 0.2, and the presence of a paracentral corneal perforation with iris prolapse at 7 o'clock. A diagnosis of rheumatic paracentral corneal perforation was made. She was treated with antibiotics and steroid eye drops, but the perforation did not close. On day 7, a lamellar corneal transplant was performed using a preserved cornea. Intraoperative optical coherence tomography(OCT)allowed us to evaluate the condition of the anterior synechia and iris incarceration. The thickness of the cornea around the wound and the depth of the corneal suture could be observed clearly during the surgery. Intraoperative OCT was also useful in adjusting the transplanted cornea such that it did not cover the optical axis. After the operation, the best-corrected visual acuity recovered to 0.5, and no aqueous humor leakage was observed.
Conclusion:We recommend the use of intraoperative OCT during corneal transplantation to customize the graft to a paracentral corneal perforation.

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