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Clinical features and postoperative course of vitrectomy for bleb-related infection Manami Ihara 1 , Tomonori Minagawa 1 , Kousuke Tsumuraya 1 , Nobuyuki Sato 1 , Tomohiko Yanagita 1 , Masayuki Kasahara 1 , Nobuyuki Shoji 1 1Department of Ophthalmology, Kitasato University Hospital pp.981-986
Published Date 2023/8/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410214874
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Abstract Purpose:To report the clinical characteristics and postoperative course of a case where vitrectomy was performed on patient diagnosed with stage Ⅲ bleb-related infection after trabeculectomy.

Subjects:Fourteen eyes of 12 patients underwent vitrectomy at Kitasato University Hospital for stage Ⅲ bleb-related infection after trabeculectomy with mitomycin C from April 1, 2018 to February 28, 2022.

Methods:Time points such as the period between trabeculectomy and infection, and period between onset of subjective symptoms of infection and vitrectomy were noted. Complications of vitrectomy and results of the bacterial culture were examined. Additionally, logarithmic minimum angle of resolution(logMAR), intraocular pressure(IOP)before and after infection, and additional glaucoma surgical procedures after vitrectomy were reported.

Results:The mean time from trabeculectomy to infection was 4.7 years and the mean time from the onset subjective symptoms to vitrectomy was 2.2 days. There were no vitrectomy complications. Three eyes(50%)showed positive bacterial cultures for the genus Streptococcus. LogMAR decreased from 0.59±0.76 before infection to 1.47±0.52(P=0.005)at the time of infection, and 6 eyes(42.8%)had a logMAR worse than 0.2 at the final time point, including 2 eyes that were blind. IOP was 8.5±2.1 mmHg pre-infection, 14.0±5.4 mmHg 1 month postoperatively(P=0.002)and 11.7±3.6 mmHg 3 months postoperatively(P=0.006). Five eyes(36%)underwent additional glaucoma surgical procedure after vitrectomy.

Conclusion:Vitrectomy caused the bleb-related infection to subside, but visual acuity worsened in about 40% of the cases. Additional glaucoma surgical procedures were required in about 40% of cases.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


