

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Characteristics of exfoliation glaucoma patients who required additional glaucoma surgery after trabectome surgery Kanako Iida 1 , Masayuki Kasahara 1 , Yusuke Kono 1 , Kazunori Hirasawa 1 , Nobuyuki Shoji 1 1Department of Ophthalmology, Kitasato University pp.721-727
Published Date 2023/6/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410214819
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Abstract Objective:To analyze the characteristics of exfoliation glaucoma(XFG)patients who required additional glaucoma surgery after trabectome surgery(TOM).

Subjects and Methods:This retrospective study included 181 eyes of 168 XFG patients who underwent initial TOM alone or TOM combined with cataract surgery between December 2010 and June 2019. The trabecular meshwork at the range of 120 degrees nasally was incised in TOM. The period to additional glaucoma surgery, most recent intraocular pressure(IOP)before additional surgery, mean IOP up to 3 months before additional surgery, and factors associated with additional surgery were analyzed.

Results:Additional glaucoma surgery was required in 60 eyes(33.5%)of 57 patients. The mean period to additional glaucoma surgery was 29.0±20.8(0.5〜72)months, and 17 eyes(28.3%)of 16 patients required additional surgery after 4 years post-operatively. In 35 eyes that required additional surgery after 2 years post-operatively, the most recent IOP and mean IOP up to 3 months before additional surgery were 27.8±7.2(17〜40)mmHg and 17.3±2.8(11.0〜21.6)mmHg, respectively. The long axial length(p<0.01, odds ratio 1.5), TOM alone(p<0.01, 2.7), and past selective laser trabeculoplasty(p<0.01, 5.2)were risk factors for additional glaucoma surgery.

Conclusion:Approximately 30% of the XFG patients who required additional glaucoma surgery were stable for 4 years after the initial TOM. It should be noted that IOP elevation after long term follow-up may occur rapidly in XFG patients.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


