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要約 目的:シェーグレン症候群を背景にもつ粘膜関連濾胞辺縁帯リンパ腫(MALTリンパ腫)が,僚眼窩に再発した症例を経験したので報告する。
Abstract Purpose:To report a case of orbital mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue(MALT)lymphoma complicated by Sjögren syndrome in a patient with a history of orbital MALT lymphoma of the contralateral orbit.
Case:A 78-year-old female with a history of left oribital MALT lymphoma presented with diplopia six months ago. Pathohistological examination of the lymphoma tissue showed immunoglobulin G positivity and clonality of the κchain, and the patient received radiotherapy prior to presentation.
Findings:Corrected visual acuity was 1.0 in the right and 1.0 in the left eye. The right eye showed exotropia of approximately 15°, accompanied by exophthalmos and restricted abduction. Imaging revealed a right orbital tumor. Histopathological evaluation of the biopsy specimens from the tumor confirmed MALT lymphoma, similar to the earlier findings. The patient was diagnosed with relapse of MALT lymphoma of the contralateral orbit and underwent radiotherapy, which reduced diplopia. She is currently doing well. The patient had experienced dry eyes before treatment;evaluation confirmed the diagnosis of Sjögren syndrome.
Conclusion:Chronic inflammatory conditions, such as autoimmune diseases and infection, are implicated as etiopathogenetic contributors to MALT lymphoma. Reportedly, Sjögren syndrome is a risk factor for lymphoma. This case report highlights the importance of careful evaluation, in terms of time and space, to detect a history of preexisting diseases.
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