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A case of acute dacryocystitis associated with orbital abscess Yuhei Yamanaka 1 , Masahiro Fujimoto 1 , Yuta Nakanishi 1 , Tomoaki Murakami 1 , Ai Kido 1 , Sawako Ura 1 , Akitaka Tsujikawa 1 1Department of Ophthalmology, Kyoto Okamoto Memorial Hospital pp.814-818
Published Date 2022/6/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410214416
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Abstract Background and purpose:Acute dacryocystitis is often associated with cellulitis anterior to the orbital septum, and the inflammation rarely spreads into the orbit. However, once the inflammation has spread into the orbit, it often forms an abscess, which is more difficult to treat than ordinary dacryocystitis. Herein, We report a case of acute dacryocystitis complicated by an orbital abscess.

Case:A 90-year-old woman visited our hospital, compaining of swelling of the left eyelid, with redness but no pain after falling out of bed a week ago. Subsequently, the left eyelid swelling repeatedly worsened and lessened for a because she had difficulty opening her eyelid, she came to our hospital. She had left eye movement disorder in all directions, pain during left eye movement, left visual acuity of 0.3, and left intraocular pressure of 3 mmHg. A computed tomography showed an occupying lesion with mixed hypoabsorption and isoabsorption areas in the medial orbit and extramuscular cone, and the eyeball was deformed and deflected anteriorly to the ear. We started her on antimicrobial therapy, and the next day, we observed a large amount of purulent discharge from the nasal side of the fornical conjunctiva. We made an incision in the same area and, the purulent discharge was drained. The eyelid swelling gradually decreased and the orbital abscess almost disappeared after 7 days. Her eye movement disorder was ameliorated, and her left visual acuity improved to 0.6.

Conclusion:There are many reports of orbital abscesses associated with dacryocystitis that require early drainage and, are associated with irreversible visual impairment showing no improvement with only antimicrobial therapy. In this case, drainage from the nasal side of the fornical conjunctiva was successful.

Copyright © 2022, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


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