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要約 目的:視神経網膜炎の主要な原因として猫ひっかき病がよく知られている。今回,ネコとの接触歴も前駆症状もみられなかった感染性視神経網膜炎の4症例を経験したので報告する。
4症例ともに前房炎症はなく,黄斑から視神経乳頭近傍にかけて白色の脈絡膜浸潤病巣があり,脈絡膜の肥厚および黄斑部の網膜下液がみられた。ミノサイクリン塩酸塩とスルファメトキサゾール・トリメトプリム製剤の内服により自覚症状や他覚的所見は速やかに改善した。4症例のうち3症例では網膜下液が消退する過程で星芒状白斑がみられた。また,4症例のうちBartonella henselae抗体の検査を行ったのは1症例で,結果は陰性であった。
結論:前駆症状やネコとの接触歴がない視神経網膜炎の診断に際しても,B. henselae抗体価測定による猫ひっかき病の除外が必要であり,治療に関しては抗菌薬による治療の有用性が示された。
Abstract Introduction:Cat-scratch disease is the most common cause of neuroretinitis. Here, we report four cases of nueroretinitis without prodromal symptom or contact history with cats.
Cases:Case 1:A 32-year-old Vietnamese man visited a local clinic because of left eye pain and blurred vision. He was referred to our hospital suspected of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease(VKH). Case 2:A 65-year-old woman presented to local clinic with left eye pain, blurred vision, and metamorphopsia. She was consulted to our hospital suspected of VKH. Case 3:A 76-year-old man visited his home doctor because of scotoma of the left eye. He was referred to our hospital suspected of VKH. Case 4:A 72-year-old woman presented to local clinic with left eye pain and visual impairment. She was consulted to our hospital suspected of malignant lymphoma.
All four cases presented white spots near the macular and optic disc, thickening of choroid, and subretinal fluid under the macular, but no anterior chamber inflammation. The subjective symptoms and findings improved quickly with minocycline hydrochloride and sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim medication. Macular star appeared during absorption of subretinal fluid in three cases. In one case, a blood test for antibody of Bartonella henselae. It turned out to be negative.
Conclusion:CSD should be excluded by measuring B. henselae antibody titer even in the diagnosis of optic neuroretinitis without prodromal symptoms or a history of contact with cats. In such cases, broad antibiotics would be effective.

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