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要約 目的:Pachychoroid neovasculopathy(PNV)に対する光線力学療法(PDT)後6か月における治療成績を検討する。
結果:15眼中13眼は抗血管内皮増殖因子(VEGF)薬併用half-dose PDT,2眼はfull-dose PDTを施行されていた。PDT施行後に3眼で抗VEGF薬追加投与を行っていた(2眼が1回,1眼が3回)。治療前の平均中心窩網膜厚(CMT)は390μm,平均中心窩脈絡膜厚(CCT)は403μm,平均CNV丈は56μmであり,6か月後には,14眼(93%)で漿液性網膜剝離(SRD)が消失し,平均CMTは193μm(p<0.0001),平均CCTは332μm(p=0.0422),平均CNV丈は28μm(p=0.0060),と有意に減少していた。視力は全例で改善を認め,平均矯正logMAR視力は治療前0.13から治療6か月後には−0.04であり,その変化量は統計学的に有意であった(p<0.05)。
Abstract Purpose:To evaluate the six-month efficacy of photodynamic therapy(PDT)for patients with treatment-naive pachychoroid neovasculopathy(PNV).
Patients and Methods:We retrospectively reviewed the clinical records of 15 eyes with treatment-naive PNV which underwent PDT from January 1st to October 30th in 2019 in Kyushu University Hospital. We diagnosed eyes as PNV if they had type 1 choroidal neovascularization(CNV)without polypoidal lesion and with central choroidal thickness(CCT)more than 250 micrometers. We assessed the efficacy of PDT for PNV by visual acuity, central retinal thickness(CRT), and central choroidal thickness(CCT)at six months after PDT.
Result:The mean logMAR visual acuity was significantly improved in all patients six months after PDT:0.14 at the baseline, and−0.04 at six months after PDT(p<0.05). The serous retinal detachment was resolved in 14 eyes. Two eyes received full-dose PDT and 13 eyes received half-dose PDT with anti-vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF)drug injection. Three eyes required additional treatment of anti-VEGF drug injection within six months after PDT. The mean CMT, CCT and choroidal neovascularization thickness significantly reduced at six months after PDT:390 μm to 193 μm(p<0.01), 403 μm to 332 μm(p<0.05), 56 μm to 28 μm(p<0.01), respectively.
Conclusion:PDT improved the best-corrected visual acuity and reduced the CCT and CMT in eyes with treatment-naive PNV.

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