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要約 目的:多発血管炎性肉芽腫症(GPA)は,肉芽形成と細・中血管炎を認める全身性炎症疾患である。GPAの約半数が眼症状を認め,その約10%に周辺部角膜潰瘍(PUK)を合併する。GPAの治療は点眼による局所療法だけでは難しく,シクロホスファミド,リツキシマブなどの全身投与,ステロイドパルス療法の有効性が報告されている。今回,結膜肉芽腫を切除後にPUKが著明に改善した症例を報告する。また,結膜肉芽腫の病理組織学的検討よりPUK発症メカニズムについて考察した。
症例:83歳,女性。GPAに対して内科にてメチルプレドニゾロン(メドロール® 4mg/日)で加療されていた。両眼の充血・痛み・視力低下を主訴に受診したところ,右眼角膜上方周辺部に強い細胞浸潤を伴った潰瘍と強膜炎,左眼角膜上方周辺部に血管侵入を伴った潰瘍と結膜に肉芽腫を認めた。内科と連携し,全身の免疫抑制療法を強化すると同時に,左眼結膜の肉芽腫を外科的に切除したところPUKの改善を認めた。病理検査では多数のMMP-9陽性好中球の浸潤を認めた。
Abstract Purpose:Granulomatosis with polyangiitis(GPA)is a systemic inflammatory disease which is characterized with the formation of granuloma and vasculitis of small or middle vessels. Fifty percent of GPA patients are suffered from ocular manifestations and 10 percent of them are peripheral ulcerative keratitis(PUK). The treatment of GPA is reported that a systemic administration of cyclophosphamide and/or rituximab and/or steroid pulse therapy are effective, but only local administration of eye drops is not. In this manuscript, we report on the case that PUK is well improved after the incision of granuloma in the limbal conjunctiva and investigate the mechanism of PUK by pathohistology of granuloma.
Case:83 years female. She has been diagnosed in GPA and treated with methylprednisolone. She visited our hospital with chief complaints of redness, pain, visual disturbance of both eyes. Slit lamp examination revealed PUK in upper peripheral cornea and scleritis in right eye, and PUK in the same region and granuloma in limbal conjunctiva of left eye. She is hospitalized and received the treatment with more intensive systemic immunosuppression therapy and the incision of granuloma in the conjunctiva. After these therapy PUK was improved. Pathohistological examination showed many matrix metalloproteinase-9(MMP-9)positive neutrophils infiltrated the granuloma.
Conclusion:The basic therapy of PUK with GPA is systemic immunosuppression. The mechanism of corneal melting in PUK may depend on the infiltration of inflammatory cells expressing proteolytic enzymes such as MMP-9. Therefore, the incision of granuloma in the conjunctiva of GPA may be an effective treatment of PUK.

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