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要約 目的:硝子体手術後に生じた角膜上皮障害の報告。対象と方法:過去35か月間に硝子体手術を行った952眼の診療録を検索し,術後の角膜上皮障害に関与する因子を解析した。結果:術中に角膜擦過が生じた170眼を除くと,8.8%の症例に術後の角膜上皮障害が生じた。角膜上皮障害の頻度は糖尿病群で10.9%,非糖尿病群で6.7%であり,両者間に有意差があった(p=0.0432,Fisher検定)。多変量解析の結果,角膜上皮障害の発生には糖尿病の有無と長時間の手術が関係していた。結論:糖尿病の存在と長期間の手術が,硝子体手術後の角膜上皮障害の発症に関係している。
Abstract. Purpose:To present a review of corneal epithelial disorders following vitreous surgery. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on consecutive series of 952 eyes that received vitreous surgery in the past 35 months. Particular attention was paid to factors related with postoperative keratopathy. Results:There were 170 eyes that developed corneal abrasion during surgery. In the remaining 782 eyes,corneal epithelial disorders developed in 8.8% of eyes after surgery. Its incidence was 10.9% in patients with diabetes mellitus and 6.7% in those without. The difference was significant(p=0.0432,Fisher's test). By multivariate analysis,corneal epithelial disorders were significantly correlated with the presence of diabetes mellitus and duration of surgery. Conclusion:Postoperative disorders of corneal epithelium are significantly correlated with the presence of diabetes mellitus and duration of surgery.

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