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要約 目的:慢性骨髄性白血病(CML)の1症例において,化学療法前後の脈絡膜構造の変化を脈絡膜EDI-OCT画像の2階調化法により検討を行った。
Abstract Purpose:To investigate the choroidal structure before and after chemotherapy in a patient with chronic myeloid leukemia(CML)using a binarization method of EDI-OCT.
Case report:A 30-year-old man had blurred vision in the right eye and was referred to the Department of Ophthalmology, Teine Keijinkai Hospital, for further examinations of fundus hemorrhages in both eyes. The best-corrected visual acuity at the first visit was 0.2 right eye and 1.2 left eye. Based on the fundus examination findings, a high leukocyte count of 501,310/μl, and positive detection of BCR-ABL translocation on FISH testing, he was diagnosed with CML and immediately underwent chemotherapy. OCT analysis conducted one month after the treatment revealed that the thickness of the choroidal, luminal, and stromal areas rapidly decreased, whereas the luminal-choroidal area(L/C)ratio showed a flat line during the follow-up period.
Conclusion:In the acute phase of CML in the present patient, both the luminal and stromal areas, but not the L/C ratio in the choroid, were enlarged. After initiation of chemotherapy, these values improved, whereas the leucocyte count decreased.

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