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要約 目的:硝子体内鉄片異物に対して,術前に画像検査を用いてその径を計測し,強角膜創から経前房的に摘出した3症例を経験したので報告する。
Abstract Purpose:To report three cases with intraocular iron foreign bodies which were safely removed from the anterior chamber through sclerocorneal tunnel after preoperative size measurement of the foreign bodies.
Case report:All cases were men aged from 43 to 74 years. Iron foreign bodies penetrated into the left eye in all the cases. In cases 1 and 2, while no conjunctival tears were found, fundus examination revealed vitreous hemorrhage at the former clinic. However, after spontaneous resolution of vitreous hemorrhage intraocular iron foreign bodies were detected and the patients were referred to our hospital. In case 3, scleral rupture and herniation of intraocular tissues had primarily been managed by scleral suturing at the former clinic on the day of injury, then he was referred to our hospital three days later due to possible retinal detachment.
Findings:Best corrected visual acuity of the injured eyes in the three cases ranged from 1.2 to hand motion. Sizes of the foreign bodies measured using optical coherence tomography were approximately 2×2 mm in cases 1 and 2, and approximately 10 mm in long diameter, estimated using computed tomography image, in case 3. In all three cases, combined pars plana vitrectomy and phacoemulsification and aspiration with intraocular lens implantation was performed. The foreign bodies were removed from the sclerocorneal tunnel for lens surgery in cases 1 and 2, whereas in case 3 the foreign body was removed from the frown incision(8 mm in size)due to its large size. Postoperative visual outcome was favorable, ranging from 0.8 to 1.2.
Conclusions:Preoperative size measurement and appropriate sclerocorneal tuunel construction were required to perform minimally-invasive procedures of intraocular iron foreign bodies.
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