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要約 目的:梅毒血清反応検査がprozone現象を示した前房蓄膿を伴う梅毒性ぶどう膜炎の症例報告。
所見:矯正視力は右指数弁,左1.5,右眼は毛様充血と前房蓄膿を伴う強い前眼部炎症があり,眼底は硝子体混濁のため透見不能であった。梅毒血清反応検査では梅毒トレポネーマラテックス凝集試験(TPLA)が98.4U,迅速血漿レアギン試験(RPR)が3.1R.U. と陽性であったが,眼内炎症の活動性とは矛盾する低値であった。希釈した検体で再測定したところ,TPLA 51,624U,RPR 1,974R.U. と著明な高値を示し,初回測定値は梅毒抗原が過剰なために抗原抗体反応が抑制されたprozone現象と判明した。
Abstract Purpose:To report a case of the prozone phenomenon in active syphilitic uveitis with hypopyon.
Case:A 30-year-old man presented with one-month history of floaters and impaired vision in the right eye.
Findings:Corrected visual acuity was counting fingers in the right eye and 1.5 in the left. Severe inflammation with ciliary injection and hypopyon was observed in the right eye. The fundus was not visible due to dense vitreous opacity. Serologic testing for syphilis revealed positive for T. pallidum latex agglutination(TPLA)test with 98.4 U, and rapid plasma reagin(RPR)test with 3.1 R.U. The low values of serum TPLA and RPR seemed incompatible with the active inflammation in the eye. Serum tests repeated using diluted specimen showed high values in TPLA with 51,624 U and in RPR with 1,974 R.U. The falsely lowered values in the first test turned out to be prozone phenomenon, resulting from excess antigen in a serum sample that inhibited the antigen-antibody interaction.
Conclusion:Prozone phenomenon may occur in patients with active syphilitic uveitis. Ophthalmologists need careful interpretation with the results of serologic testing for syphilis.

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