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要約 目的:トリアムシノロンアセトニド(TA)テノン囊下注射により眼球穿孔を生じた1例の報告。
症例:48歳,男性。前医でぶどう膜炎増悪のため27G鋭針で左眼トリアムシノロンアセトニド(TA)20mgテノン囊下注射を施行し,直後に眼痛と視力低下を自覚した。角膜上皮浮腫,眼圧上昇,硝子体腔にTAを認めたため眼球穿孔を疑われ,同日に当科を紹介され受診した。左眼視力10cm指数弁,眼圧は前房穿刺後で5mmHg,眼軸長は27.78mmであった。軽度の角膜上皮浮腫と硝子体内腔にTA,上方結膜に結膜下出血を認めた。眼底は透見不能で,超音波検査にて眼球内に塊状の異常陰影があり,網膜剝離は検出できなかった。上方強膜からの眼球穿孔,TA眼内注入と考え,同日緊急で硝子体手術を施行した。術中,眼内に塊状のTA,上方に網膜裂孔,その周囲に出血性の網膜剝離を認めた。裂孔周囲を眼内レーザーで凝固し,20% SF6ガスタンポナーデで手術を終了した。手術2週間後,左眼視力は(1.0),眼圧は11mmHgとなった。眼内TAは消失し,網膜は復位していた。
Abstract Purpose:To report a case of ocular perforation following sub-Tenon injection of triamcinolone acetonide(STTA).
Case and Clinical Course:A 48-year-old male presented ocular pain and visual loss in the left eye after STTA for uveitis. STTA of 20mg TA was performed with a 27-gauge sharp needle. The best corrected visual acuity was n.d./10 cm, intraocular pressure(IOP)was 5 mmHg, and axial length was 27.78 mm. The left eye had corneal epithelial edema, increased IOP, subconjunctival hemorrhage in the upper sector of bulbar conjunctiva. TA in the vitreous cavity was observed by B-scan ultrasonogram. A diagnosis of ocular perforation was made, and vitrectomy was performed. Aggregated TA, perforation of upper sclera, vitreous hemorrhage, and hemorrhagic retinal detachment were observed intraoperatively. Intraocular photocoagulation and 20% SF6 gas tamponade were performed. Two weeks later, the best corrected visual acuity was 1.0, and the IOP was 11 mmHg. The retina was reattached.
Conclusion:Complications of sub-tenon injection are rare, but the long axial length and use of sharp needle are risk factors for ocular perforation. Immediate vitrectomy for ocular perforation following STTA was effective in the present case.

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