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要約 目的:非機能性下垂体腺腫症例で光干渉断層計(OCT)の有用性を後ろ向きに検討すること。自覚症状と視機能,術前後における視機能の変化とOCT所見の関連性に注目した。
結果:眼症状を訴えた症例は22例,視力低下15例,視野異常4例,視力低下+視野異常2例,複視1例であった。当科で経過を追えた視力低下症例は15例,視野障害例は22例であった。術後視力は12例で改善したが,3例で改善を認めなかった。術後視野は15例が改善したが,7例で視野異常が残存した。術前にOCTを施行していた8症例中2例で,乳頭周囲網膜神経線維層の水平成分の菲薄化を認め,黄斑部解析で鼻側半網膜のganglion cell complexの菲薄化を認めた。この2症例の術後視機能予後は不良であった。OCTで異常が検出されなかった6例の術後視機能予後は良好であった。
Abstract Purpose:To report findings by optical coherence tomography(OCT)in non-functioning pituitary adenoma. Particular attention was made to the relationship between subjective findings and visual function and between OCT findings and changes in visual function after treatment.
Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 30 cases of non-functioning pituitary adenoma treated by us during the past 81 months. All the cases received surgical removal of the tumor with histopathological study.
Results:Twenty-two cases showed visual problems, including impaired vision 15 cases, visual field disorder 4 cases, impaired vision and visual field disorder 2 cases, and diplopia one case. Visual acuity improved in 12 cases and persisted in 3 cases after surgery. Visual field improved in 15 cases and persisted in 7 cases after surgery. Eight cases were evaluated by OCT. Two cases showed attenuated horizontal component of circumpapillary retinal nerve fiber layer with thinning of ganglion cell complex in the nasal hemisphere. These two cases showed poor visual outcome after surgery. The other 6 eyes showed normal OCT findings and resulted in fair visual outcome after surgery.
Conclusion:OCT promises to be useful in predicting the course after surgery in non-functioning pituitary adenoma.

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