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要約 目的:髄膜腫の大部分は良性脳腫瘍であるが,増大した場合,各種神経の機能に障害をきたすことがある。今回,嗅覚障害を初発症状とし,重篤な視力・視野障害の併発を契機に診断され,腫瘍摘出術で視力・視野障害が寛解した前頭蓋底巨大髄膜腫の1例を経験したので報告する。
Abstract Purpose:Meningiomas are benign brain tumors that often enlarge and cause olfactory and visual dysfunction. We report a case of a giant meningioma in the anterior skull base that was detected after an ophthalmologic examination for severe visual field defects, with olfactory disturbance as the initial symptom.
Case:The patient was a 47-year-old woman, who was diagnosed with olfactory dysfunction of unknown cause at an otolaryngologist around 20XX. In the summer of 20XX+1, she became aware of progressive loss of vision in the right eye and visited our department in the summer of 20XX+2 for a thorough examination.
Findings:At the time of initial examination, visual acuity was 0.01 in the right eye and 0.3 in the left eye. The central flicker value was unmeasurable in the right eye and decreased to 5 Hz in the left eye. Goldmann perimetry showed a visual field defect in the right eye including the center of the lower visual field and a central dark spot in the left eye. A head MRI was performed, which revealed an approximately 7 sized T1 low signal, T2 high signal contrast-enhancing tumor on the anterior skull base including the olfactory fossa. The optic chiasm was compressed anteriorly. Neurosurgery was performed to remove the tumor. Pathology confirmed the diagnosis of meningioma. Visual acuity was 1.0 in the right eye and 1.0 in the left eye, and central flicker value improved to 23 Hz in the right eye and 27 Hz in the left eye. Goldmann perimetry improved to normal.
Conclusion:Compressive optic neuropathy due to meningiomas may improve with tumor resection, even if the course is prolonged. In patients who develop olfactory and visual/visual field deficits, intracranial lesions should be suspected as neoplastic lesions of the anterior skull base and aggressive head imaging evaluation should be performed.
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