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要約 目的:過去5年間の和歌山県立医科大学附属病院眼科(当科)における小児視神経炎の臨床像,自己抗体陽性率,治療法,治療反応性,視力予後について検討すること。
対象と方法:2018年3月までの5年間に,当科で視神経炎と診断・治療した小児5例(男性2例,女性3例,平均年齢9±2.3歳)を対象とした。診断はInternational Pediatric MS Study Groupによる疾患定義に基づいて行った。
結果:臨床像は急性散在性脳脊髄炎に伴うものが2例,clinically isolated syndromeが1例,多発性硬化症(MS)が1例,特発性視神経炎が1例であった。抗MOG抗体陽性例は2例,抗AQP4抗体陽性例は0例であった。両眼発症は2例,再発は2例に認められた。全症例でステロイドパルス療法にて視力改善を認めた。抗MOG抗体陽性例2例に免疫グロブリン大量療法を併用し,そのうち1例で免疫吸着療法を併用した。平均logMAR矯正視力は初診時1.6±0.8,最終−0.06±0.2であった。
Abstract Purpose:To report cases of pediatric optic neuritis seen by us during 5 years through 2018.
Cases:There were 5 cases, comprising 2 males and 3 females. The age ranged from 6 to 12 years, average 9 years. Three cases were unilaterally and two were bilaterally affected. They were diagnosed after the definition by International Pediatric MS study Group.
Findings and Clinical Course:Two cases were associated with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. One case each was diagnosed as clinically isolated syndrome, as idiopathic optic neuritis, and as multiple sclerosis. Anti-MOG antibody was positive in 2 cases. Anti-aquaporin 4 antibody was negative in all the cases. Steroid pulse therapy was effective in all the cases, with 2 cases who showed recurrence. Two cases positive for anti-MOG antibody were also treated by high-dose gamma globulin, with immunosorbent therapy in one case. Visual acuity in logMAR averaged 1.6±0.8 initially and 0.06±0.2 after treatment.
Conclusion:Visual acuity improved in all cases of pediatric optic neuritis. There were recurrences involving not only the optic nerve but also the intracranial portion and spinal cord.

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