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要約 目的:常染色体劣性のライソゾーム病であるシスチノーシスに伴う角膜混濁において,前眼部光干渉断層計(AS-OCT)が有用であった2症例の報告。
Abstract Purpose:To report cases of two patients who were clinically diagnosed with cystinosis—an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disorder—in whom the corneal opacities were examined using the anterior segment optical coherence tomography(AS-OCT).
Objects and Methods:Case 1 involves a 17-year-old man with the nephropathic juvenile form of cystinosis who was diagnosed with the disease and the Fanconi syndrome along with corneal opacities at the age of 12;he showed a slower progression to the end-stage renal disease(mild type). Case 2 involves a 32-year-old man with nephropathic infantile form of the disease who was diagnosed with the disease and the Fanconi syndrome as well as with severe renal failure at the age of 2 years;the patient progressed to the end-stage renal disease in the first decade of life(severe type). In each case, the average of the image intensity value obtained using AS-OCT on the one-pixel from the corneal epithelium to the endothelium at the distance of 1 mm or 2 mm from the center of the cornea was determined.
Result:In both cases, the characteristic corneal opacity associated with cystinosis was observed by slit-lamp-microscopic examination. Using the AS-OCT, the accumulation of granular cystine crystals was observed as corneal reflex intensity. In Case 1, a negative relationship(r=−0.31 to−0.68)was observed in the corneal depth and reflex intensity in all areas measured(p<0.05), whereas in Case 2, excepting one area, no significant differences were observed in the relationship(r=0.36, p<0.05).
Conclusion:Two cases with cystinosis with the characteristic corneal opacities were examined using AS-OCT, and the accumulation of granular corneal reflex intensity was observed in the corneal layer of these patients. AS-OCT examination is useful to quantitatively estimate the characteristic corneal opacities associated with cystinosis.

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