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要約 目的:眼科初診時,増殖糖尿病網膜症(PDR)を認めた糖尿病患者における心血管イベント発生頻度とその危険因子の解析。
結果:累積罹患率は19.4%〔95%信頼区間(CI)6.5-32.4〕,罹患率は34.3/1,000人年(95%CI 16.3-71.9)であった。また,生命表による5年生存率は87.7%(95%CI 70.0-95.2),10年生存率は67.6%(95%CI 34.7-86.6)であった。各因子のハザード比は,女性は男性に比し0.01(95%CI:0.00-0.65)と統計学的有意にハザードが低かった。また,LDL-C値,HDL-C値のハザード比はそれぞれ0.96(95%CI 0.93-1.00),1.14(95%CI 1.03-1.26)となった。
Abstract Purpose:To report the incidence and risk factors of cardiovascular events in patients who were diagnosed with proliferative diabetic retinopathy(PDR)at the onset.
Cases and Method:This retrospective, non-interventional, observational study was made on 36 diabetic patients. The series comprised 25 males and 11 females. The age averaged 61.4±10.5 years. They were first seen by us and were diagnosed with PDR during 12 years through 2013. Besides the actual coronary events, we calculated the 5-and 10-year survival rates after Kaplan-Meier. Cox proportional hazard model was used to calculate the hazard ratio of Suita score as regards age, sex, smoking, blood pressure and others.
Results:Cardiac events occurred in 7 out of 36 patients(19.4%). Statistically calculated morbidity was 34.3/1,000 person-year. Survival rate was 87.7% for 5 years and 67.6% for 10 years. As regards the Suita score, the hazard ratio was significantly lower in females than males(p<0.01). It was lower for LDL-cholesterol(0.96)than HDL-cholesterol(1.14).
Conclusion:In patients diagnosed with PDR at the first visit, men had higher risk of cardiovascular events than women. Combination of LDL-C and HDL-C showed a higher hazard ratio.

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