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要約 目的:視力不良が原因とされる感覚性斜視の発症メカニズムを,片眼性黄斑部疾患における視力,眼位,両眼視機能,視野を比較することで検討する。
対象と方法:対象は,片眼性の加齢黄斑変性(AMD)18例と,黄斑円孔(MH)13例,および年齢をマッチングさせた正常者対照群16例で,視力,眼位,両眼視機能(融像幅,立体視),および視野を比較した。AMDとMHの抽出条件は,健眼矯正視力1.0以上,患眼矯正視力0.6以下とした。融像幅は大型弱視鏡用に自作した円形単純図形を用いて測定し,近見立体視はTitmus stereo testsで評価した。視野はハンフリー10-2を用いて,中心窩閾値を含む全69点のトータル偏差から10dB以上感度低下した点を抽出し,その割合を障害率として算出した。
Abstract Purpose:To present a report on the mechanism of onset of sensory strabismus secondary to unilateral macular lesion.
Case and Method:This study was made on 31 patients. Unilateral age-related macular degeneration(AMD)was present in 18 cases and macular hole was present in 13. Corrected visual acuity of 0.6 or under was present in the affected eyes in this group. Another series of age-matched 16 cases with normal eyes served as control.
Results:Four cases(12.8%)showed suppression in the affected eyes. Strabismus was present in 2 of these cases. Both had AMD. No significant differences were present in visual acuity of affected eyes among cases with AMD, macular hole, and control. Regarding visual field defect, which was defined as decreased sensitivity by 10 dB or more from the total deviation of all 69 points, severity of defect averaged 44.6%±34.2 in AMD and 10.5%±17.9 in macular hole. The difference was significant. Severity of defect in 4 cases with suppression in the affected eyes averaged 85.9%±16.4, suggesting extensively affected visual field. In two of these 4 cases, difference in visual acuity between the right eye and the left was 2.10 and 1.48 logMAR respectively.
Conclusion:In cases of unilateral macular lesion, binocular functions are affected in the presence of remarkable difference in visual acuity between the right eye and the left. Extensive defect in central visual field within 10 degrees may also affect beinocular functions and result in sensory strabismus.

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