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要約 目的:OCT angiography(OCTA)検査を既報のextended field imaging(EFI)法と,筆者らが新たに考案したソフトコンタクトレンズ装用下でのmodified EFI(M-EFI)法を用いて行い,取得画像の拡大率と画質について検討する。
対象と方法:対象は正常ボランティア6例6眼(平均年齢33±6歳)。EFI法は既報の通り+20Dレンズを挿入した検眼枠,M-EFI法は+20Dソフトコンタクトレンズ(ブレス・オー®,TORAY社)装用下で検査を施行。12mm×12mmの撮影条件で通常法,EFI法,M-EFI法を用い網膜全層OCTA(PLEXTM Elite 9000,Carl Zeiss Meditec社)画像を取得。通常法で得られた画像に対する面積の拡大率をImage Jを用いて算出し,EFI法とM-EFI法について比較検討を行った。それぞれの撮影法による取得画像の画質について8名の眼科医でabsolute category rating(ACR)を用い主観的評価(5段階)を行った。
結果:拡大率はEFI法がM-EFI法と比較し有意に高かった(1.69±0.18倍vs. 1.22±0.06倍,p=0.03)。主観的評価はM-EFI法がEFI法と比較し有意に高かった(ACR平均値:4.06±1.00 vs. 2.77±0.97,p<0.001;中央値:4 vs. 3)。
Abstract Purpose:To compare wide-field optical coherence tomography angiography(OCTA)with a modified extended field(M-EFI)to OCTA with EFI technique for evaluating field of view and subjection evaluation in healthy subjects.
Methods:OCTA images of 12 mm×12 mm were acquired using 3 methods(original, EFI, and M-EFI)of 6 eyes from 6 normal individuals(mean age:33±6 years)without apparent ocular disorders. EFI and M-EFI were compared for magnitude of field of view using original OCTA images and subjection evaluation by absolute category rating(ACR).
Results:The mean extension ratios of OCTA images with EFI in the horizontal and vertical directions were significantly higher than those with M-EFI(horizontal:1.30±0.06 vs. 1.11±0.03, p=0.03;vertical:1.30±0.08 vs. 1.10±0.03, p=0.03)and EFI enabled evaluation of significantly larger areas of the fundus(1.69±0.18 vs. 1.22±0.06, p=0.01). In contrast, subjective evaluation of OCTA images with M-EFI was significantly higher than that with EFI(mean ACR score:4.06±1.00 vs. 2.77±0.97, p<0.001;median:4 vs. 3).
Conclusions:OCTA with M-EFI allows for acquisition of wide-field en face retinal images with greater subjective satisfaction.

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