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要約 目的:未就学児での眼位と近見立体視を主とした両眼視機能の報告。
対象と方法:栃木県大田原市内の保育園と幼稚園に在籍する3〜6歳の1,597人を対象とした。眼位は交代遮蔽試験,近見時の立体視はTitmus stereo testで評価した。
Abstract Purpose:To report the binocular function including eye position and stereopsis for near in preschool children.
Cases and Method:This study was made on 1,597 children who were attending nursery school or kindergarden and who were aged from 3 to 6 years. Eye position was examined by alternate cover test. Stereopsis for near was examined using Titmus stereo test.
Results:Eye position was found abnormal in 2.3% of children. There was no past history of ophthalmic consultation in 45.9% of them. Stereopsis for near was out of normal range in 4.4% of children. Ophthalmological findings were normal in 42.6% of them.
Conclusion:Health examination in preschool children ought to include binocular function as well as visual acuity.

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