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要約 目的:前部円錐水晶体を伴ったAlport症候群に対して,角膜直乱視矯正目的でトーリック眼内レンズ(IOL)を選択して水晶体再建術を行った症例報告。
所見:初診時視力は右0.1(0.2×−3.50D()cyl−2.00D 170°),左0.1(0.3×−4.50D()cyl−1.50D 15°)。白内障はほぼ認めなかったが,両眼に前部円錐水晶体およびそれに起因する異常な近視化を認めた。眼底には明らかな異常を認めなかった。前部円錐水晶体による屈折異常が視力低下の原因と考え,両眼の屈折異常の改善目的に水晶体再建術を施行した。右−3.00D,左−2.75Dの角膜直乱視を認めたため,トーリックIOLを選択して囊内固定した。術後視力は右0.5(0.9×−0.50D()cyl−1.50D 130°),左0.5(0.9×−0.75D()cyl−0.50D 130°)と良好であった。
Abstract Purpose:To report a case of lens reconstruction using a toric intraocular lens(IOL)for Alport syndrome with anterior lenticonus and direct corneal astigmatism.
Case:A 52-year-old male with Alport syndrome presented with decreased vision in both eyes. He was pointed out the anterior lenticonus and was referred to our hospital for surgical purposes.
Findings:Visual acuity was 0.1(0.2)in the right and 0.1(0.3)in the left. Both eyes showed anterior lenticonus. We considered that the refractive error caused by the anterior lenticonus was the cause of the decrease in visual acuity. We performed lens reconstruction to improve the refractive error. We chose a toric IOL for the correction of direct corneal astigmatism. Visual acuity was 0.5(0.9)in either eye 2 months post surgery.
Conclusion:Lens reconstruction using toric IOL was effective for anterior lenticonus and direct corneal astigmatism in this case of Alport syndrome.

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