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要約 目的:眼球を加温する前後での中心窩網膜厚と中心窩下脈絡膜厚の報告。対象と方法:健常人10例20眼を対象とした。男性4眼,女性16眼で,平均年齢は26歳であった。上眼瞼を経由して眼球を40℃で10分間加温した。波長掃引光源光干渉断層計で,中心窩網膜厚と中心窩下脈絡膜厚を測定した。結果:中心窩網膜厚の平均値は,加温前203.5μm,加温後202.3μmで有意差はなかった(p=0.690)。中心窩下脈絡膜厚の平均値は,加温前228.7μm,加温後246.9μmで,有意に増加した(p=0.0155)。結論:若年の健常人では,眼瞼を経由する眼球加温により,中心窩網膜厚は変化せず,中心窩下脈絡膜厚が有意に増加した。
Abstract. Purpose:To report changes in foveal and subfoveal choroidal thickness following warming of the eyeglobe. Cases and Method:This study was made on 20 eyes of 10 healthy persons. The series comprised 4 male and 16 female eyes. The age averaged 26 years. The eyeball was warmed by placing an eye-mask of 40℃ on the upper eyelid for 10 minutes. Foveal and choroidal thickness were measured using a swept-source optical coherence tomography. Results:Foveal retinal thickness averaged 203.5μm before warming and 202.3μm after warming. There was no significant difference(p=0.690). Fubfoveal choroidal thickness averaged 228.7μm before warming and 246.9μm after warming. The difference was significant(p=0.0155). Conclusion:Warming of the eyeglobe induced no changes in foveal thickness and increase in subfoveal choroidal in healthy young persons.

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